package SWISS::CCs; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA @EXPORT_OK %fields %TOPICS); use Exporter; use Carp; use strict; use SWISS::TextFunc; use SWISS::ListBase; use SWISS::CC; use SWISS::CCcopyright; use SWISS::CCalt_prod; use SWISS::CCrna_editing; use SWISS::CCbpc_properties; use SWISS::CCinteraction; use SWISS::CCseq_caution; use SWISS::CCdisease; use SWISS::CCsubcell_location; use SWISS::CCcofactor; use SWISS::CCcatalytic_activity; BEGIN { @EXPORT_OK = qw(); @ISA = ( 'Exporter', 'SWISS::ListBase'); %fields = ( ); } # CAUTION: CC order (for sorting) is hard-coded here down in: __DATA__ #initialization code: stuff DATA into hash { # Leading and trailing spaces are MANDATORY! local $/="\n"; my $index=0; my $line; while (defined ($line=)) { $line =~ s/\s+\z//; $TOPICS{$line} = $index++; } $TOPICS{'Copyright'} = $index++; close DATA; } sub new { my $ref = shift; my $class = ref($ref) || $ref; my $self = new SWISS::ListBase; $self->rebless($class); return $self; } sub fromText { my $self = new(shift); my $textRef = shift; my $line; if ($$textRef =~ /($SWISS::TextFunc::linePattern{'CC'})/m) { my $block = $1; my ($main, $copyright) = split /CC +-{40,78}\nCC/, $block; # can't get regexp to work with two optional components to a block # ($block =~ /(.*)?(CC -{40,78}\n(.*\n)*CC -{40,78})*\n/s); # process each non-copyright comment type foreach $line (split /\n(?= ?CC +-!-)/m, $main) { my $indentation = $line =~ s/^ //mg; $line = SWISS::TextFunc->cleanLine($line); my $cc = _chooseType($line); $cc->{indentation} = $indentation if $indentation; push (@{$self->list()}, $cc); } # process copyright if (defined $copyright) { $copyright = "CC -----------------------------------------------------------------------\nCC".$copyright; $copyright =~ s/-{40,78}\r?\n$/-----------------------------------------------------------------------/; push (@{$self->list()}, _chooseType($copyright)); } } $self->{_dirty} = 0; return $self; } sub toText { my $self = shift; my $textRef = shift; my @lines; my $newText = ''; if (! $self->isEmpty()){ $newText = join('', map { my $str = $_->toString(); $str =~ s/^/ /mg if $_->{indentation}; $str; } @{$self->list}); }; $self->{_dirty} = 0; return SWISS::TextFunc-> insertLineGroup($textRef, $newText, $SWISS::TextFunc::linePattern{'CC'}); } sub toString { my $self = shift; my $string = ""; $self -> toText(\$string); return $string; } sub _chooseType { my $text = shift; my $CCs; # preparse text into a single line $text =~ s/-\nCC {7}(AND|OR|AND\/OR) /- $1 /mgi; # unwrap things like '-Val- bond' and 'Leu-|- bonds' (but not 'disulfide-bond') with space $text =~ s/(\b[A-Z]{3}-|-\|-)\nCC {7}(BOND)/$1 $2/mgi; $text =~ s/(?fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS/) && ($text =~ /Event=/)) { # new format alternative products $CCs = SWISS::CCalt_prod->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- BIOPHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCbpc_properties->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- INTERACTION/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCinteraction->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- RNA EDITING/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCrna_editing->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- SEQUENCE CAUTION/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCseq_caution->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- DISEASE/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCdisease->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- SUBCELLULAR LOCATION/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCsubcell_location->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- COFACTOR/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCcofactor->fromText(\$text); } elsif (($text =~ /-!- CATALYTIC ACTIVITY/)) { $CCs = SWISS::CCcatalytic_activity->fromText(\$text); } else { # standard $CCs = SWISS::CC->fromText(\$text); } return $CCs; } sub sort { my $self = shift; my $n = $self->size(); return 1 if $n < 2; my $rary = $self->list(); my $disorder; # nearly all entries will be in order, so test for it for (my $i=1; $i<$n; $i++) { if (_sort_cmp($rary->[$i-1], $rary->[$i]) > 0){ $disorder=1; last; } } return 1 unless $disorder; # simple sort to preserve order of same topics for (my $i=1; $i < $n; $i++){ for (my $j=1; $j < $n; $j++){ if (_sort_cmp($rary->[$j-1], $rary->[$j]) > 0){ ($rary->[$j-1],$rary->[$j]) = ($rary->[$j],$rary->[$j-1]); } } } return 1; } sub _sort_cmp { my ($cc1, $cc2) = @_; my $topic_1 = $cc1->topic; my $topic_2 = $cc2->topic; if ($topic_1 eq 'SIMILARITY' && $topic_2 eq 'SIMILARITY') { my $c_1 = $cc1->comment; my $c_2 = $cc2->comment; my @ord; for my $c ($c_1, $c_2) { if ($c =~ /\bbelongs to\b/i) { push @ord, 1; } elsif ($c =~ /^Contains\b/i) { push @ord, 2; } else { push @ord, 3; } } return $ord[0] <=> $ord[1] if $ord[0] != $ord[1]; if ($c_1 =~ /^CONTAINS (?:AT LEAST )?(?:\d+|\?) (.*)/i) { my $t_1 = $1; if ($c_2 =~ /^CONTAINS (?:AT LEAST )?(?:\d+|\?) (.*)/i) { return lc($t_1) cmp lc($1) || $t_1 cmp $1; } } return 0; } return $TOPICS{$topic_1} <=> $TOPICS{$topic_2}; } sub update { my $self = shift; my $force = shift; # CCs should be sorted, but unique() does not make sense $self->sort(); return 1; } sub get { # local override of global get method # get array of CC objects selected by topic my ($self, @patterns) = @_; my @result; # do nothing if the list is empty unless ($self->size > 0 ) { return (); }; if ((ref $patterns[0] eq 'ARRAY')) { @patterns = @{$patterns[0]}; }; @result = @{$self->list}; # empty patterns are regarded as matches. if (defined($patterns[0]) and $patterns[0] ne ""){ @result = grep { $_->topic() =~ /^$patterns[0]$/ } @result; } if (defined($patterns[1]) and $patterns[1] ne ""){ @result = grep { $_->comment() =~ /^$patterns[1]$/ } @result; } return @result; } sub unique { my ($self) = @_; my ($i, $j); for ($i = 0; $i < $#{$self->{list}}; $i++) { my $item1 = ${$self->list}[$i]; for ($j = $i+1; $j <= $#{$self->{list}}; $j++) { my $item2 = ${$self->list}[$j]; if ($item1->topic eq $item2->topic and $item1->comment eq $item2->comment) { splice @{$self->list}, $j--, 1; } } } return 1; } sub getObject { # local override of global get method # get ListBase object of CC objects selected by topic my ($self, @patterns) = @_; my $new = new ref($self); $new->set($self -> get(@patterns)); return $new; } sub del { # local override of global del method # delete CC objects if topic matches that specified my ($self, @patterns) = @_; my @result; my ($i, $pat, @elements); # do nothing if the list is empty unless ($self->size > 0 ) { return (); }; @elements = @{$self->list}; ELEMENT:for my $element (@elements) { my $match = 0; if ($patterns[0] && ($element->topic() =~ /^$patterns[0]$/)) { if ((! $patterns[1]) || ($element->comment() =~ /^$patterns[1]$/)) { $match ++; } } if ($match == 0) { CORE::push (@result, $element); } } return $self->set(@result); } sub copyright { # retrive copyright my ($self) = @_; my @elements = @{$self->list}; ELEMENT:for my $element (@elements) { if ($element->topic() eq 'Copyright') { return $element -> toString(); } } return; } sub ccTopic{ my ($ccTopic) = @_; return sub { my $ref = shift; my $topic = $ref -> topic(); return ($topic eq $ccTopic); } } 1; =head1 Name SWISS::CCs =head1 Description B represents the CC lines within a Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL entry as specified in the user manual . The CCs object is a container object which holds a list comprised of object of the type SWISS::CC or derived classes (see below). B local $/="\n//\n"; while (<>) { my $entry = SWISS::Entry-> fromText($_); my @CCs = $entry -> CCs -> elements(); for my $CC (@CCs) { if ($CC -> topic eq 'ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS') { # now can call methods of CCalt_prod } elsif ($CC -> topic eq 'Copyright') { # now can call methods of CCcopyright } else { # now can call methods of CC } } } =head1 Inherits from =head1 Attributes =over =item C Each list element is an object of one of the following classes, depending of the type of comment: topic object -------------------- -------------------- ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS SWISS::CCalt_prod RNA EDITING SWISS::CCrna_editing BIOPHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES SWISS::CCbpc_properties INTERACTION SWISS::CCinteraction COFACTOR SWISS::CCcofactor DISEASE SWISS::CCdisease SEQUENCE CAUTION SWISS::CCseq_caution SUBCELLULAR LOCATION SWISS::CCsubcell_location Copyright SWISS::CCcopyright (all other topics) SWISS::CC =back =head1 Methods =head2 Standard methods =over =item new =item fromText =item sort Sort the CC block according to the order given in Swiss-Prot annotation note ANN017. =item toText =item update =back =head2 Reading/Writing methods =over =item ccTopic ($topic) Returns true if entry contains a comment block with the specified topic. =item copyright Returns a string representation of the copyright text. =item del (@patternList) Deletes all comment elements whose topic matches the first element of the pattern list. The second element is the used to specify a requirement for the comment to match as well. =item get (@patternList) An array is returned consisting of all comment elements elements whose topic matches any elements of the pattern list. =item getObject (@patternList) Same as get, but returns the results wrapped in a new ListBase object. =item toString Returns a string representation of the CCs object. =back =cut __DATA__ FUNCTION CATALYTIC ACTIVITY COFACTOR ACTIVITY REGULATION BIOPHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES PATHWAY SUBUNIT INTERACTION SUBCELLULAR LOCATION ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS TISSUE SPECIFICITY DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE INDUCTION DOMAIN PTM RNA EDITING MASS SPECTROMETRY POLYMORPHISM DISEASE DISRUPTION PHENOTYPE ALLERGEN TOXIC DOSE BIOTECHNOLOGY PHARMACEUTICAL MISCELLANEOUS SIMILARITY CAUTION SEQUENCE CAUTION WEB RESOURCE