package SWISS::OG; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA @EXPORT_OK %fields); use Exporter; use Carp; use strict; use SWISS::TextFunc; use SWISS::BaseClass; BEGIN { @EXPORT_OK = qw(); @ISA = ( 'Exporter', 'SWISS::BaseClass'); %fields = ( text => undef ); } sub new { my $ref = shift; my $class = ref($ref) || $ref; my $self = new SWISS::BaseClass; $self->rebless($class); return $self; } sub fromText { my $self = new(shift); my $text = shift; # Parse out the evidence tags if ($text =~ s/($SWISS::TextFunc::evidencePattern)//) { my $tmp = $1; $self->evidenceTags($tmp); } $self->text($text); return $self; } sub toText { my $self = shift; return $self->text . $self->getEvidenceTagsString; } sub isPlasmid { my $self = shift; return $self->text =~ /Plasmid/i; } 1; __END__ =head1 Name SWISS::OGs =head1 Description B represents one organelle or plasmid name from the OG line. The container object holding all organelle or plasmid names is SWISS::OGs. =head1 Inherits from =head1 Attributes =over =item C One OG line element. =back =head1 Methods =head2 Standard methods =over =item new =item fromText =item toText =back =head2 Specific methods =over =item isPlasmid =back