package SWISS::Stars::EV; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA @EXPORT_OK %fields); use Exporter; use Carp; use strict; use SWISS::TextFunc; use SWISS::ListBase; BEGIN { @EXPORT_OK = qw(); @ISA = ( 'Exporter', 'SWISS::ListBase'); %fields = ( ); } =head2 new =cut sub new { my $ref = shift; my $class = ref($ref) || $ref; my $self = new SWISS::ListBase; $self->rebless($class); return $self; } =head2 fromText =cut sub fromText { my $self = new(shift); my $textRef = shift; my ($block, $line); # The tag for the EV section is 'EV' if ($$textRef =~ /((\*\*EV .*\n)+)/m) { $block = $1; # delete trailing dots and spaces $block =~ s/[\.\s]+\n/\n/gm; # unwrap multi-line evidence tags $block =~ s/\n\*\*EV\s{5}/ /gm; # now every comment is in a single line foreach $line (split /\n/, $block){ $line = SWISS::TextFunc->cleanLine($line); push (@{$self->list()}, [split(/\;\s*/, $line)]); }; }; # we have only read, so the object is still clean $self->{_dirty} = 0; return $self; } =head2 toText =cut sub toText { my $self = shift; my ($textRef) = @_; my $newText = ''; my $tag = 'EV'; $self->sort(); # always sort! # assemble new lines map ({$newText .= SWISS::TextFunc->wrapOn("\*\*$tag ", "\*\*$tag ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLengthStar, $_ . '.', '; ', ',\s*')} (map {join("; ", @$_)} $self->elements) ); # insert new text SWISS::Stars::insertLineGroup($self, $textRef, $newText, $tag); # now the object is clean $self->{_dirty} = 0; return 1; } =head2 sort =cut sub sort { my $self = shift; my $is_new_style = grep { $_->[0] =~ /^ECO/ } $self->elements; if ( $is_new_style ) { @{$self->list} = sort { # p.s. ->[0] eco code, e.g. ECO:0000269, ->[1] source (with id) e.g. PubMed:15466860, ->[2] curator id, ->[3] date $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || lc( $a->[1] ) cmp lc( $b->[1] ) || $a->[2] cmp $b->[2]; #Sort by , For the same , sort by , For the same , sort by } $self->elements; } else { my ($x, $y, $u, $v); @{$self->list} = sort { ($u, $x) = @$a[0] =~ /(E[ACIP])(\d+)/; ($v, $y) = @$b[0] =~ /(E[ACIP])(\d+)/; $u cmp $v or $x <=> $y;} $self->elements; } $self->{_dirty} = 1; return 1; }; =head2 addEvidence( $evcode, $src, $author [, $date] ) Title: addEvidence Usage: $evidenceTag = $entry->Stars->EV->addEvidence($evcode, $src, $author [, $date]) Function: adds the evidence to the EV block if it does not yet exist or returns the correct evidence tag if the evidence already exists, possibly with a different date. Args: $evcode: the evidence code. e.g. ECO:0000269 $src: the source. e.g. PubMed:11433298 $author: the author (initials). e.g. XXX p.s. For programs this could be '-'. $date: optional. If present, it must be in standard SWISS-PROT date format. If not present the current date will be used. Returns: The correct evidence tag. =cut sub addEvidence { my $self = shift; my ( $evcode, $src, $author, $date ) = @_; # p.s. now only for new style evidences (Aug 2014) # set $date unless ( $date ) { $date = SWISS::TextFunc::currentSpDate; } return $self->_addEvidence( $evcode, $src, $author, $date ); } =head2 updateEvidence( $evcode, $src, $author [, $date] ) Title: updateEvidence Usage: $evidenceTag = $entry->Stars->EV->updateEvidence($evcode, $src, $author [, $date]) Function: updates the evidence to the EV block to $date or inserts it if it does not yet exist. Args: $evcode: the evidence code. e.g. ECO:0000269 $src: the source. e.g. PubMed:11433298 $author: the author (initials). e.g. XXX p.s. For programs this could be '-'. $date: optional. If present, it must be in standard SWISS-PROT date format. If not present the current date will be used. Returns: The correct evidence tag. =cut sub updateEvidence{ my $self = shift; my ( $evcode, $src, $author, $date ) = @_; # set $date unless ( $date ) { $date = SWISS::TextFunc::currentSpDate; } return $self->_addEvidence( $evcode, $src, $author, $date, 1 ); } # if $update is set, the evidence date will be updated if the entry already # exists. sub _addEvidence{ my $self = shift; my ( $evcode, $src, $author, $date, $update ) = @_; # check evcode unless ( $evcode =~ /^ECO:/ ) { croak( "Wrong evidence code type \'$evcode\'\n" ); } # set $date $date = SWISS::TextFunc::currentSpDate unless $date; # is ev to be added is already present (code and src) my @found = grep { $_->[ 0 ] eq $evcode && $_->[ 1 ] eq $src } $self->elements; $self->{ _dirty } = 1; my $ev = []; my $evtag = ''; if ( !@found ) { # ev is new, insert it $ev = [ $evcode, $src, $author, $date ]; $self->add( $ev ); } else { $ev = $found[ 0 ]; if ( $update ) { $ev->[ 2 ] = $author; $ev->[ 3 ] = $date; } } return $ev->[0].'|'.$ev->[1]; } sub max { my ($a, $b) = @_; if ($a > $b) { return $a; } else { return $b; } } 1; # says use was ok =head1 Name =head1 Description B represents the evidence section within an SWISS-PROT + TrEMBL entry. See For a usage example, see in the Swissknife package. =head1 Inherits from =head1 Attributes =over =item C Each element of the list describes one evidence, itself represented as an array. =back