Title: addEvidence
Usage: $evidenceTag = $entry->Stars->EV->addEvidence($evcode,
[, $date])
Function: adds the evidence to the EV block if it does not yet exist
or returns the correct evidence tag if the evidence already exists,
possibly with a different date.
Args: $evcode: the evidence code. e.g. ECO:0000269
$src: the source. e.g. PubMed:11433298
$author: the author (initials). e.g. XXX p.s. For programs this could be '-'.
$date: optional. If present, it must be in standard SWISS-PROT
date format. If not present the current date will be used.
Returns: The correct evidence tag.
Title: updateEvidence
Usage: $evidenceTag = $entry->Stars->EV->updateEvidence($evcode,
[, $date])
Function: updates the evidence to the EV block to $date or inserts it
if it does not yet exist.
Args: $evcode: the evidence code. e.g. ECO:0000269
$src: the source. e.g. PubMed:11433298
$author: the author (initials). e.g. XXX p.s. For programs this could be '-'.
$date: optional. If present, it must be in standard SWISS-PROT
date format. If not present the current date will be used.
Returns: The correct evidence tag.
SWISS/Stars/EV.pm represents the evidence section within an SWISS-PROT + TrEMBL entry. See http://www3.ebi.ac.uk/~sp/intern/projects/evidenceTags/index.html
For a usage example, see evTest.pl in the Swissknife package.
Each element of the list describes one evidence, itself represented as an array.