package SWISS::CCalt_prod; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA @EXPORT_OK %fields); use Exporter; use Carp; use strict; use SWISS::TextFunc; use SWISS::BaseClass; BEGIN { @EXPORT_OK = qw(); @ISA = ( 'Exporter', 'SWISS::BaseClass'); %fields = ( events => undef ); } # hash to describe order of events lines my %order; $order{"Alternative promoter usage"} = 1; $order{"Alternative splicing"} = 2; $order{"Alternative initiation"} = 3; $order{"Ribosomal frameshifting"} = 4; sub new { my $ref = shift; my $class = ref($ref) || $ref; my $self = new SWISS::BaseClass; $self->rebless($class); return $self; } sub fromText { my $class = shift; my $textRef = shift; my $self = new SWISS::CCalt_prod; my (@events, @newEvents, %events, $topic, $comment, $commentTag); my $text = $$textRef; ($topic, @events) = ($text =~ /(.+?)(Event=.+?)(?=(Event=.*|$))/gm); for my $event (@events) { if ($event ne "") { push @newEvents, $event; } } my %eventHash; # want to be able to read old format data (i.e pre release 8.0) for my $event (@newEvents) { my ($eventType, $comment, $namedForms, $rest ); my (@namedForms, @formsList); $event = $event . ";" if $event !~ /;\s*$/; ($eventType, $rest) = ($event =~ /(Event=.+?;)(.*)/m); ($comment, $namedForms) = ($rest =~ /(.*?)(Name=.*)/); if (! defined $comment) { $comment = $rest; } # tidy up $eventType =~ s/Event=//; $eventType =~ s/;$//; # original model had isoforms stored under one of potentially several # Event lines # new model (UniProt 8.0) has only one Event key per entry (though this may # describe many events) # this change has been accomodated in Swissknife with the specific # intention of maintaining the API, which is event-centric # i.e. all isoforms are stored under each event that features in the # event line of the entry # note that the API itself could be improved/extended to better fit the # new data model # one hash to store all isoform data if ($comment ne "") { $comment =~ s/.+?Named isoforms=\d+;\s*//; } else { $comment = $rest; $comment =~ s/^\s*//; } $comment =~ s/Comment=//; $comment =~ s/\s\s+/ /g; $comment =~ s/;\s*$//; $comment =~ s/^\s*//; # look for tags # if parsing old format entries, aggregate comments from all Event blocks if ( $comment ) { #new: Comment= can now be multi "block", represented as [[blocktxt,blockevs]] $eventHash{ Comment } = SWISS::CC::parse2Blocks( $comment ); } if (defined $namedForms) { # under both new and old formats, there will only be a maximum of one # Event line with named forms attached $namedForms =~ s/Named isoforms\=\d+;\s*//; @namedForms = split /;\s+(?=Name)/, $namedForms; for my $namedForm (@namedForms) { my %thisFormHash; $namedForm = $namedForm . ";" unless $namedForm =~ /;\s*$/; my (@fields) = ($namedForm =~ /(Name\=.+?;)\s+(Synonyms\=.*?;)*\s*(IsoId\=.*?;)\s+(Sequence\=.*?;)\s*(Note\=.*;)*/); if (! defined $fields[0]) { die "Incorrect syntax. Can't parse entry at " . $namedForm . "\n"; } FIELD: for my $field (@fields) { if (defined $field) { my ($key, $value); ($key, $value) = ($field =~ /(.+?)=(.*);/); $value =~ s/ \s+/ /g; if ($value eq "") { next FIELD; } # isoform count is made dynamically, no need to store it if ($key ne 'Named isoforms') { if ($key eq "Synonyms") { # complex data item, possibly with synonyms attached to each element my (@values) = split /,\s+(?!ECO:\d)/, $value; my @realValues; foreach $value (@values) { if (my ($realData, $tags) = ($value =~ /(.+?) ?\{(.+?)\}$/)) { push @realValues, $realData; my (@tagValues) = split /,\s+/, $tags; ${$thisFormHash{"SynonymsTags"}}{$realData} = \@tagValues; # here keep ev tag separated } else { push @realValues, $value; } } $thisFormHash{$key} = \@realValues; } elsif ($key eq "IsoId" || $key eq "Sequence") { # complex data item, no synonyms my (@values) = split /,\s+(?!ECO:\d)/, $value; $thisFormHash{$key} = \@values; } elsif ( $key eq "Note" ) { # new: Note= can now be multi "block", represented as [[blocktxt,blockevs]] $thisFormHash{"Note"} = SWISS::CC::parse2Blocks( $value ); } elsif (my ($realData, $tags) = ($value =~ /(.+?) ?\{(.+?)\}$/)) { # (anything else then Note=!? wtf!?) left old code as is # simple data item, with tags $thisFormHash{$key} = $realData; my @tags = split /, ?/, $tags; my $tagKey = $key . "Tags"; $thisFormHash{$tagKey} = \@tags; } elsif ($key =~ /\w/) { # wtf!?... in old format!? # simple data item, no tags $thisFormHash{$key} = $value; } } } } push @formsList, \%thisFormHash; } $eventHash{"FormsList"} = \@formsList; } my @derivedEvents = split /, /, $eventType; for my $thisEvent (@derivedEvents) { # in the data model, the same event hash is keyed by each individual # event that references it $events{$thisEvent} = \%eventHash; } # this field is just a value that can be used to access the event hash, # when we are not interested in filtering by event if (! defined $self->{keyEvent}) { $self->{keyEvent} = $derivedEvents[0]; } } $self->{events} = \%events; $self->{_dirty} = 0; return $self; } sub toString { my $self = shift; my $text = "CC -!- ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS:\n"; my @keys = keys %{$self->{'events'}}; my @sortedKeys = sort _byEvent @keys; my $eventText = ""; # reconstitute full Event header for my $event (@sortedKeys) { if ($eventText eq "") { $eventText = $event; } else { $eventText = $eventText . ", " . $event; } } if ($eventText !~ /;$/) { $eventText = $eventText . ";"; } # all the events key the same form hash, so we merely need one of these to # access the hash my $event = $self->{'keyEvent'}; my $commentData = $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment }; my $commentText = $commentData ? SWISS::CC::blocks2String( $commentData ).";" : ""; my $headerText = ""; if ( $eventText !~ /^Event=/ ) { $headerText = "Event=" . $eventText; } else { $headerText = $eventText; } # named isoform count only for certain events my $count = $self -> getNamedFormCount($event); $headerText = $headerText . " Named isoforms=" . $count . ";"; $text = $text . "CC " . $headerText . "\n"; #$text = $text . SWISS::TextFunc-> # wrapOn("CC ", # "CC ", # $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $headerText , '\s+'); if ( $commentText ) { $headerText = "Comment=" . $commentText; $text = $text . SWISS::TextFunc-> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $headerText , '(?{'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}[0]}{"Name"}) { # forms list is not sorted, may contain blank elements in among the real # elements! FORM: for my $namedForm (@{${${$self->{'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { # quick fix until we find the real bug if (! defined $$namedForm{"IsoId"}) { die "Named isoforms incorrectly defined"; } ## form details # name, synonyms my $formText = ""; if ($namedForm !~ /;$/) { $formText = $formText . ";"; } $formText = "Name=" . $$namedForm{"Name"}; my $evTags = $self -> getEvidenceTagsString($event, "Name", $$namedForm{"Name"}); if (defined $evTags) { $formText = $formText . $evTags; } $formText = $formText . "; "; my $synonymText = ""; $synonymText = $self -> _printList("Synonyms", $$namedForm{"Synonyms"}, $$namedForm{"Name"}); if (defined $synonymText) { $formText = $formText . $synonymText; } $formText = SWISS::TextFunc-> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText , '\s+'); $allFormsText .= $formText; my $nb_isoid = scalar @{$$namedForm{"IsoId"}}; my $header_width = $nb_isoid > 1 ? 20 : 36; my $id_width = 10; my $separator_width = 2; my $ids_per_line = int (($SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength - $header_width - $id_width ) / ( $id_width + $separator_width ) + 1); # isoform ID, sequence if ($nb_isoid == 1) { if (scalar @{$$namedForm{"Sequence"}} < $ids_per_line+1) { # regular case, everything in one line $formText = $self -> _printList("IsoId", $$namedForm{"IsoId"}) . $self -> _printList("Sequence", $$namedForm{"Sequence"}); $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; } else { # need to split up VSPs across several lines, and format them # accordingly my $wrapperText = "CC"; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$$namedForm{"Sequence"}}; $i = $i + $ids_per_line) { my @tempList; for (my $j = $i; $j < ($i + $ids_per_line); $j++) { if (defined $$namedForm{"Sequence"}[$j]) { push @tempList, $$namedForm{"Sequence"}[$j] } } if ($i == 0) { # first line $formText = $self -> _printList("IsoId", $$namedForm{"IsoId"}) . $self -> _printList("Sequence", \@tempList); $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $formText =~ s/;$/,/; $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; my ($initialText) = ($formText =~ /(.*Sequence=)/); my $offset = (length $initialText) - 2; for (my $j = 0; $j < $offset; $j ++) { $wrapperText = $wrapperText . " "; } } else { $formText = join ', ', @tempList; # end in ',' if more lines are coming my $term = $i < scalar @{$$namedForm{"Sequence"}} - $ids_per_line ? ',' : ';'; $formText = $formText . $term; $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn($wrapperText, $wrapperText, $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; } } } } else { # ISO IDs and Sequence in separate lines if (scalar @{$$namedForm{"Sequence"}} < 5) { $formText = $self -> _printList("IsoId", $$namedForm{"IsoId"}); $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; $formText = $self -> _printList("Sequence", $$namedForm{"Sequence"}); $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; } else { # ISO IDs in separate lines from sequence, AND sequences spread over # several lines $formText = $self -> _printList("IsoId", $$namedForm{"IsoId"}); $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; # in this case, we can fit in 4 VSPs per line for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$$namedForm{"Sequence"}}; $i = $i + $ids_per_line) { my @tempList; for (my $j = $i; $j < ($i + $ids_per_line); $j++) { if (defined $$namedForm{"Sequence"}[$j]) { push @tempList, ${$$namedForm{"Sequence"}}[$j] } } if ($i == 0) { $formText = $self -> _printList("Sequence", \@tempList); $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $formText =~ s/;$/,/; $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; } else { $formText = join ', ', @tempList; # end in ',' if more lines are coming my $term = $i < scalar @{$$namedForm{"Sequence"}} - $ids_per_line ? ',' : ';'; $formText = $formText . $term; $formText = SWISS::TextFunc -> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $formText, '\s+'); $allFormsText = $allFormsText . $formText; } } } } # note my $note_txt = ""; my $noteText = ""; if ( defined $namedForm->{ Note } ) { $note_txt = "Note=".SWISS::CC::blocks2String( $namedForm->{ Note } ).";"; $noteText = SWISS::TextFunc-> wrapOn("CC ", "CC ", $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $note_txt , '(? getEvidenceTagsString($self->{keyEvent}, "Synonyms", $name, $value); if (defined $evTags) { $keyText = $keyText . $evTags; } } } if ($count != 0) { return $keyText . "; "; } else { return; } } sub _byEvent { $order{$a} <=> $order{$b} || $a <=> $b } sub topic { return "ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS"; } sub keyEvent { my ($self) = @_; return $self -> {'keyEvent'}; } sub comment { my ($self) = @_; my $str = $self->toString; $str =~ s/.*\n//; $str =~ s/^CC //mg; $str; } sub setEvents { my ($self, $eventHash) = @_; $self -> {'events'} = $eventHash; } # conveneience read/write methods sub addEvent { # note that behaviour changes with UniProt relase 8.0 # adding a new event now points this event at all existing isoforms my ($self, $eventName) = @_; $self->{'events'}->{$eventName} = $self-> {'events'}->{ $self->{keyEvent} }; } sub addForm { my ($self, $eventName, $name, $synonyms, $isoIds, $featIds, $note_data) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$eventName}) { my %newForm; $newForm{"Name"} = $name; $newForm{"Synonyms"} = $synonyms; $newForm{"IsoId"} = $isoIds; $newForm{"Sequence"} = $featIds; $newForm{"Note"} = $note_data; # now (end of 2015) note is an array of array ref! [ [ blocktxt,block_evs ] ] push @{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$eventName}}{"FormsList"}}, \%newForm; } } sub getComment { my ( $self, $eventName ) = @_; if ( defined $self->{'events'}->{$eventName} ) { return $self->{'events'}->{$eventName}->{ Comment }; # now (end of 2015) comment is an array of array ref! [ [ blocktxt,block_evs ]... ] } else { return undef; } } sub getEventNames { my ($self) = @_; return sort _byEvent keys %{$self -> {'events'}}; } sub getFormNames { my ($self, $event) = @_; my @formNames; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { push @formNames, $$form{"Name"}; } } return @formNames; } sub getSynonyms { my ($self, $event, $formName) = @_; for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $formName) { if (defined $$form{"Synonyms"}) { return @{$$form{"Synonyms"}}; } } } return (); } sub getIsoIds { my ($self, $event, $formName) = @_; for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $formName) { if (defined $$form{"IsoId"}) { return @{$$form{"IsoId"}}; } } } return (); } sub getFeatIds { my ($self, $event, $formName) = @_; for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $formName) { if (defined $$form{"Sequence"}) { return @{$$form{"Sequence"}}; } } } return (); } sub getNote { my ($self, $event, $formName) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $formName) { if (defined $$form{"Note"}) { return $$form{"Note"}; } } } } return undef; } sub getNamedFormCount { my ($self, $event) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { if (defined ${${${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}[0]}{"Name"}) { return scalar @{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}; } else { return 0; } } return undef; } sub deleteEvent { my ($self, $event) = @_; return delete ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}; } sub deleteComment { my ($self, $event ) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { return delete ${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"Comment"}; } return undef; } sub deleteForm { my ($self, $event, $formName) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { my $position = 0; for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $formName) { my @ret = splice (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}, $position, 1); if (scalar @{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}} == 0) { delete ${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}; } return @ret; } $position++; } } return undef; } sub setComment { my ( $self, $eventName, $comment_data ) = @_; if ( ref( $comment_data ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { warn "comment data should be an array ref: [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ]... ] e.g. [ [ 'an event comment', '' ] ] "; return; } if ( defined $self->{ events }->{$eventName} ) { $self->{ events }->{$eventName}->{ Comment } = $comment_data; } } sub setFormName { my ($self, $event, $oldName, $newName) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $oldName) { $$form{"Name"} = $newName; return; } } } } sub setSynonyms { my ($self, $event, $name, $synonyms) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { $$form{"Synonyms"} = $synonyms; return; } } } } sub setIsoIds { my ($self, $event, $name, $isoIds) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { $$form{"IsoId"} = $isoIds; return; } } } } sub setFeatIds { my ($self, $event, $name, $featIds) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{"FormsList"}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { $$form{"Sequence"} = $featIds; return; } } } } sub setNote { my ($self, $event, $name, $note_data ) = @_; # now (end of 2015) note data is an array of array ref ref! [ [ blocktxt,block_evs ] ] if ( ref( $note_data ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { warn "note data should be an array ref: [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ]... ] e.g. [ [ 'a note', '' ] ] "; return; } if ( defined $self->{ events }->{$event} ) { for my $form ( @{ $self->{ events }->{$event}->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name ) { $form->{ Note } = $note_data; return; } } } } sub hasEvidenceTag { my ($self, $tag, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) = @_; if ( defined $self->{ events }->{ $event } ) { if ( $type eq 'Comment' ) { if ( $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment } ) { my $hastag = 0; map { $hastag = 1 if $_->[ 1 ] eq $tag } @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment } }; return $hastag; } } elsif ( $type eq 'Name' || $type eq 'Note' ) { for my $form ( @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name ) { if ( $type eq 'Name' ) { my $tagType = "NameTags"; if (defined $$form{$tagType}) { for my $actualTag (@{$$form{$tagType}}) { if ($actualTag eq $tag) { return 1; } } } } else { my $hastag = 0; map { $hastag = 1 if $_->[ 1 ] eq $tag } @{ $form->{ Note } }; return $hastag; } } } } elsif ( $type eq 'Synonyms' ) { for my $form ( @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { if (defined $$form{"Synonyms"}) { for my $actualSynonym (@{$$form{"Synonyms"}}) { if ($synonym eq $actualSynonym) { # hash of tags for each synonym my $tagType = $type . "Tags"; if (defined${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}) { for my $actualTag (@{${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}}) { if ($actualTag eq $tag) { return 1; } } } } } } } } } } return 0; } sub getEvidenceTags { my ($self, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) = @_; if (defined ${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}) { if ($type eq 'Comment') { if ( $self -> { events }->{$event}->{ Comment } ) { my @evs; map { push @evs, split( /, ?/, $_->[1] ) } @{ $self -> { events }->{$event}->{ Comment } }; return \@evs; } } elsif ($type eq 'Name' || $type eq 'Note') { for my $form ( @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name ) { if ( $type eq 'Name' ) { return $form->{ NameTags }; } else { my @evs; map { push @evs, split( /, ?/, $_->[1] ) } @{ $form->{ Note } }; return \@evs; } } } } elsif ($type eq 'Synonyms') { for my $form ( @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { if (defined $$form{"Synonyms"}) { for my $actualSynonym (@{$$form{"Synonyms"}}) { if ($synonym eq $actualSynonym) { # hash of tags for each synonym my $tagType = $type . "Tags"; if (defined ${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}) { return @{${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}}; } } } } } } } } return undef; } sub getEvidenceTagsString { my ($self, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) = @_; if ( defined $self->{ events }->{ $event } ) { if ( $type eq 'Comment' ) { # n.b. method is used by some test if ( $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment } ) { my $evs = join ",", map { $_->[ 1 ] } @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment } }; $evs = "{" . $evs . "}"; if ( $evs =~ /ECO:/ ) { # new style evidence $evs =~ s/,/, /g; $evs = " ".$evs; } return $evs; } } elsif ( $type eq 'Note' ) { foreach my $form ( @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name) { my $evs = join ",", map { $_->[ 1 ] } @{ $form->{ Note } }; $evs = "{" . $evs . "}"; if ( $evs =~ /ECO:/ ) { # new style evidence $evs =~ s/,/, /g; $evs = " ".$evs; } return $evs; } } } elsif ($type eq 'Name' ) { for my $form ( @{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name) { if ( defined $form->{ NameTags } ) { my $text = join ',', @{ $form->{ NameTags } }; $text = "{" . $text . "}"; if ( $text =~ /ECO:/ ) { $text =~ s/,/, /g; $text = " ".$text; } return $text; } } } } elsif ($type eq 'Synonyms') { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{'FormsList'}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { if (defined $$form{"Synonyms"}) { for my $actualSynonym (@{$$form{"Synonyms"}}) { if ($synonym eq $actualSynonym) { # hash of tags for each synonym my $tagType = $type . "Tags"; if (defined ${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}) { my $text = join ',', @{${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}}; $text = "{" . $text . "}"; if ( $text =~ /ECO:/ ) { $text =~ s/,/, /g; $text = " ".$text; } return $text; } } } } } } } } return undef; } sub setEvidenceTags { # don't allow tags to be added where there is no data my ($self, $tags, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) = @_; if ( defined $self->{ events }->{ $event } ) { if ( $type eq 'Comment' && ( defined $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment } ) ) { my $last_ev = $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment }->[-1]->[ 1 ]; ( my $cleaned_tag = $tags ) =~ s/\s*[{}]\s*//g; $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment }->[-1]->[ 1 ] = $cleaned_tag; warn "setting ev tag on last comment 'block' n.b. Comment is now a self contained data structure representing multi [ blocktxt, blockevs ] elements, it would be better to directly manipulate this [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ] ... ] structure obtained via getComment"; } elsif ( $type eq 'Note' ) { for my $form (@{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name && defined $form->{ $type } ) { ( my $cleaned_tag = $tags ) =~ s/\s*[{}]\s*//g; $form->{ Note }->[-1]->[ 1 ] = $cleaned_tag; warn "setting ev tag on last Name=$name Note 'block' n.b. Note is now a self contained data structure representing multi [ blocktxt, blockevs ] elements, it would be better to directly manipulate this [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ] ... ] structure obtained via getNote"; } } } elsif ( $type eq 'Name' ) { for my $form (@{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name && defined $form->{ $type } ) { $form->{ NameTags } = $tags; } } } elsif ($type eq 'Synonyms') { for my $form (@{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { if (defined $$form{"Synonyms"}) { for my $actualSynonym (@{$$form{"Synonyms"}}) { if ($synonym eq $actualSynonym) { # hash of tags for each synonym my $tagType = $type . "Tags"; ${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym} = $tags; } } } } } } } } sub addEvidenceTag { # don't allow tags to be added where there is no data my ($self, $tag, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) = @_; if (defined $self->{ events }->{ $event } ) { if ( $type eq 'Comment' && ( defined $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment } ) ) { my $last_ev = $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment }->[-1]->[ 1 ]; ( my $cleaned_tag = $tag ) =~ s/\s*[{}]\s*//g; # $tag supposed to be a single ev my $utd_ev_str = $last_ev ? $last_ev.", ".$cleaned_tag : $cleaned_tag; $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment }->[-1]->[ 1 ] = $utd_ev_str; warn "adding ev tag on last comment 'block' n.b. Comment is now a self contained data structure representing multi [ blocktxt, blockevs ] elements, it would be better to directly manipulate this [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ] ... ] structure obtained via getComment"; # todo CHECK if all those evtags methods could just be removed! } elsif ( $type eq 'Note' ) { for my $form (@{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name && defined $form->{ $type } ) { my $last_ev = $form->{ Note }->[-1]->[ 1 ]; ( my $cleaned_tag = $tag ) =~ s/\s*[{}]\s*//g; my $utd_ev_str = $last_ev ? $last_ev.", ".$cleaned_tag : $cleaned_tag; $form->{ Note }->[-1]->[ 1 ] = $utd_ev_str; warn "setting ev tag on last Name=$name Note 'block' n.b. Note is now a self contained data structure representing multi [ blocktxt, blockevs ] elements, it would be better to directly manipulate this [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ] ... ] structure obtained via getNote"; } } } elsif ( $type eq 'Name' ) { for my $form (@{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ($form->{ Name } eq $name && defined $form->{ $type } ) { push @{ $form->{ NameTags } }, $tag; } } } elsif ($type eq 'Synonyms') { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{'FormsList'}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { for my $actualSynonym (@{$$form{"Synonyms"}}) { if ($synonym eq $actualSynonym) { # hash of tags for each synonym my $tagType = "SynonymsTags"; push @{${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}}, $tag; } } } } } } } sub deleteEvidenceTags { my ($self, $tag, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) = @_; if ( defined $self->{ events }->{ $event } ) { if ( $type eq 'Comment' ) { map { $_->[ 1 ] = "" } @{$self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ Comment } }; } elsif ( $type eq 'Note') { for my $form (@{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { map { $_->[1] = "" } @$form->{ Note } if $form->{ Name } eq $name; } } elsif ( $type eq 'Name' ) { for my $form (@{ $self->{ events }->{ $event }->{ FormsList } } ) { if ( $form->{ Name } eq $name ) { my $tagType = $type . "Tags"; my $offset = 0; if (defined $$form{$tagType}) { my @tags = @{$$form{$tagType}}; for my $actualTag (@tags) { if ($tag eq $actualTag) { splice @tags, $offset, 1; } $offset ++; } if (scalar @tags == 0) { delete $$form{$tagType}; } } } } } elsif ($type eq 'Synonyms') { for my $form (@{${${$self -> {'events'}}{$event}}{'FormsList'}}) { if ($$form{"Name"} eq $name) { if (defined $$form{"Synonyms"}) { for my $actualSynonym (@{$$form{"Synonyms"}}) { if ($synonym eq $actualSynonym) { # hash of tags for each synonym my $tagType = "SynonymsTags"; my $offset = 0; if (defined $$form{$tagType}) { if (defined ${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}) { for my $actualSynonymTag (@{${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}}) { if ($tag eq $actualSynonymTag) { splice @{${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}}, $offset, 1; } $offset++; } if (scalar @{${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}} == 0) { delete ${$$form{$tagType}}{$synonym}; } } } } } } } if (scalar keys %{$$form{"SynonymsTags"}} == 0) { delete $$form{"SynonymsTags"}; } } } } } 1; __END__ =head1 Name =head1 Description B represents a comment on the topic 'ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS' within a Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL entry as specified in the user manual . Comments on other topics are stored in other types of objects, such as SWISS::CC (see SWISS::CCs for more information). Collectively, comments of all types are stored within a SWISS::CCs container object. B: This example is given to illustrate the internal construction of an CCalt_prod object. However, for most purposes it should be possible to use the convenience methods provided (e.g. the add, delete, get and set methods doocumented below) instead of constructing the section manually. The use of the convenience methods is also recommended to ensure the structual integrity of the CCalt_prod object. ## Create a new named isoform my %thisFormHash; ## give this some properties # some properties are single data values $thisFormHash{"Name"} = "This"; # some properties are lists of values push @{$thisFormHash{"Synonyms"}}, "That"; push @{$thisFormHash{"Synonyms"}}, "The Other"; push @{$thisFormHash{"IsoId"}}, "P00000-01"; push @{$thisFormHash{"IsoId"}}, "P00000-02"; push @{$thisFormHash{"Sequence"}}, "VSP_000001"; push @{$thisFormHash{"Sequence"}}, "VSP_000002"; $thisFormHash{"Notes"} = [ [ "this local note", "ECO:0000269|PubMed:22081402, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23203051" ] ]; $thisFormHash{"Notes"} = [ [ "another local note without ev", "" ] ]; $thisFormHash{"Notes"} = [ [ "note block1", "ECO:0000269|PubMed:22081402" ], [ "note block2", "ECO:0000269|PubMed:23203051" ] ]; ## put this form onto a list of all forms created by one type of event my @newFormsList; push @newFormsList, \%thisFormHash; ## put this list into a hash describing all characteristics of this event my %eventHash; $eventHash{"FormsList"} = \@newFormsList; ## set other values of this event $eventHash{"Comment"} = [ [ "This Comment", "ECO:0000269|PubMed:23203051" ] ]; ## put the description of this event into a hash descrinbing all events my %eventsHash; $eventsHash{"Alternative splicing"} = \%eventHash; ## put a reference to this hash into the CCalt_products object my $hashRef; $hashRef = \%eventsHash; my $newCC = SWISS::CCalt_prod; $newCC->setEvents($hashRef); $newCC->toString(); B: @synonyms = ("That", "The other"); @isoIds = ("P00000-1", "P00000-2"); @featIds = ("VSP_00001", "VSP_00002"); my $newCC = SWISS::CCalt_prod; $newCC -> addComment("Alternative splicing", "This comment"); $newCC -> addForm("Alternative splicing", "This", \@synonyms, \@isoIds, \@featIds, [ [ "This local note", "ECO:0000269|PubMed:22081402, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23203051" ] ]); print $newCC -> toString(); B CC -!- ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS: CC Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=1; CC Comment=This comment. CC Name=This; Synonyms=That, The other; CC IsoId=P00000-1, P00000-2; Sequence=VSP_00001, VSP_00002; CC Note=This local note. CC {ECO:0000269|PubMed:22081402, ECO:0000269|PubMed:23203051}; B: $CC -> addEvidenceTag('EP8', "Alternative splicing", "Synonyms", "VI", "B"); to add the tag 'EP8' to synonym B of isoform VI, produced by alternative splicing B: With the release of UniProt 8.0, the format of the CC ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS blocks has changed slightly. In particular, isoforms are no longer stored according to the events that have generated them, so this: CC -!- ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS: CC Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=1; CC Comment=This comment. CC Name=This; Synonyms=That, The other; CC IsoId=P00000-1, P00000-2; Sequence=VSP_00001, VSP_00002; CC Note=This local note. CC Event=Alternative initiation; CC Comment=Another comment. has become this: CC -!- ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS: CC Event=Alternative splicing, Alternative initation; Named isoforms=1; CC Comment=This comment. Another comment; CC Name=This; Synonyms=That, The other; CC IsoId=P00000-1, P00000-2; Sequence=VSP_00001, VSP_00002; CC Note=Produced by alternative splicing. This local note; The API is quite event-centric, reflecting the previous file format (where different content was available according to the event type). To get all isoforms (for whatever events are annotated) under the new format, do: $CC->keyEvent; which will return an arbitrary event that can be used a parameter in other methods. Any of the events annotated will function as parameters to retrieve information about assocaticated isoforms: it is not necessary to supply the complete list. =head1 Inherits from =head1 Attributes =over =item topic The topic of this comment ('ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS'). =back =head1 Methods =head2 Standard methods =over =item new =item fromText =back =head2 Reading/Writing methods =over =item addEvent ($eventName) Allows the user to insert "events blocks" into the CCalt_prod object. =item addEvidenceTag($tag, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) Add $tag to the tag list associated with the specified component of a CCalt_prod object. The event and type (of the item to which the tag is to be added, i.e. "Comment", "Name", "Note", or "Synonyms") must always be specified: unless the type is "Comment", the name must also be specifed (i.e. the contents of the Name field for the isoform to which the tag is being attached); the name of the synonym to which the tag are being attached must also be given if the type is "Synonyms". n.b. now Comment and Note are "multi block" ( [ [ blocktext, blockevs ]... ] , so here the ev tag will be added on last the 'block'; it would be better to directly manipulate this [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ] ... ] structure obtained via getComment/Note =item addForm ($eventName, $formName, \@synonyms, \@isoIds, \@featIds, $note) Allows the user to add a form into a given event block. See code example (above) for more details. =item deleteComment ($eventName) Deletes the comment associated with this event. =item deleteEvent ($eventName) Deletes an event from this CCalt_prod objects. =item deleteEvidenceTag($tag, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) Deletes $tag from the tag list associated with the specified component of a CCalt_prod object. The event and type (of the item from which the tag is to be deleted, i.e. "Comment", "Name", "Note", or "Synonyms") must always be specified: unless the type is "Comment", the name must also be specifed (i.e. the contents of the Name field for the isoform from which the tag is being deleted); the name of the synonym from which the tag is being deleted must also be given if the type is "Synonyms". =item deleteForm ($eventName, $formName) Deletes a form associated with a given event. =item keyEvent () Extracts one of the events annotated in this entry, which can then be used to retrieve data associated with this event =item getComment($eventName) Returns the comment for this event. =item getEventNames Returns a list of all event names for this CCalt_prod object. =item getEvidenceTags($event, $type, $name, $synonym) Returns a list of the tags attached to the specified component of a CCalt_prod object. The event and type (of the item to which the tag is attached, i.e. "Comment", "Name", "Note", or "Synonyms") must always be specified: unless the type is "Comment", the name must also be specifed (i.e. the contents of the Name field for the isoform whose tags are being fetched); the name of the synonym whose tags are being fetched must also be given if the type is "Synonyms". n.b. now Comment and Note are "multi block" ( [ [ blocktext, blockevs ]... ] , so here all the evidences from all the block are pooled together =item getEvidenceTagsString($event, $type, $name, $synonym) Returns the tags attached to the specified component of a CCalt_prod object as a string literal. The event and type (of the item to which the tag is attached, i.e. "Comment", "Name", "Note", or "Synonyms") must always be specified: unless the type is "Comment", the name must also be specifed (i.e. the contents of the Name field for the isoform whose tags are being fetched); the name of the synonym whose tags are being fetched must also be given if the type is "Synonyms". n.b. now Comment and Note are "multi block" ( [ [ blocktext, blockevs ]... ] , so here all the evidences from all the block are pooled together =item getFeatIds ($eventName, $formName) Returns a list of all feature IDs associated with this form produced by this event. =item getFormNames ($eventName) Returns a list of all form names for this form produced by this event. =item getIsoIds ($eventName, $formName) Returns a list of all IsoIds for this form produced by this event. =item getNamedFormCount($eventName) Returns the number of named and identified forms for this event. =item getNote ($eventName, $formName) Returns the local note of this form produced by this event. =item getSynonyms ($eventName, $formName) Returns a list of all synonyms of this form produced by this event. =item hasEvidenceTag ($tag, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) Returns 1 if the specified component of a CCalt_prod object has the specified tag. The event and type (of the item to which the tag is attached, i.e. "Comment", "Name", "Note", or "Synonyms") must always be specified: unless the type is "Comment", the name must also be specifed (i.e. the contents of the Name field for the isoform whose tags are being fetched); the name of the synonym whose tags are being fetched must also be given if the type is "Synonyms". =item setComment ($eventName, $comment) Allows the user to add a global comment for a particular event. =item setEvidenceTags(\@tags, $event, $type, $name, $synonym) Sets the evidence tags of the specified component of a CCalt_prod object to the array pointed to by \@tags. The event and type (of the item to which the tag are to be added, i.e. "Comment", "Name", "Note", or "Synonyms") must always be specified: unless the type is "Comment", the name must also be specifed (i.e. the contents of the Name field for the isoform to which tags are being attached); the name of the synonym to which tags are being attached must also be given if the type is "Synonyms". n.b. now Comment and Note are "multi block" ( [ [ blocktext, blockevs ]... ] , so here the ev tag will be set on last the 'block'; it would be better to directly manipulate this [ [ blocktxt, blockevs ] ... ] structure obtained via getComment/Note =item setEvent (%eventHash) Can be used to manually insert a hash representing one event. Use of this method is not recommeded, see code examples for how to use the convenience methods to create a CCalt_prod object. =item setFeatIds($eventName, $oldName, \@featIds) Sets the feature Ids for the named form (associated with the specified event) to the supplied list. =item setFormName($eventName, $oldName, $newName) Changes the name of the formed named $OldName, associated with this event, to the $newName. =item setIsoIds($eventName, $oldName, \@isoIds) Sets the Isoform Ids for the named form (associated with the specified event) to the supplied list. =item setNote($eventName, $name, $note) Sets the local note for the named form (associated with the specified event). =item setSynonyms($eventName, $name, \@synonyms) Sets the synonyms for the named form (associated with the specified event) to the supplied list. =item toString Returns a string representation of this comment. =back