package SWISS::GeneGroup; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA @EXPORT_OK @GN_LISTS %fields); use Exporter; use Carp; use strict; use SWISS::TextFunc; use SWISS::ListBase; use SWISS::GN; BEGIN { @EXPORT_OK = qw(); @ISA = ( 'Exporter', 'SWISS::ListBase'); @GN_LISTS = qw(Names OLN ORFNames); %fields = ( 'Names' => undef, 'OLN' => undef, 'ORFNames' => undef, 'is_old_format' => undef, ); } sub new { my $ref = CORE::shift; my $class = ref($ref) || $ref; my $self = new SWISS::ListBase; $self->rebless($class); return $self; } sub initialize { my $self = CORE::shift; for my $listname (@GN_LISTS) { $self->{$listname} = new SWISS::ListBase; } $self->{is_old_format} = 0; } sub fromText { my $class = CORE::shift; my $text = CORE::shift; unless ($text =~ /^ *(?:Name|Synonyms|OrderedLocusNames|ORFNames)=/) { return _fromText_old($class, $text, @_); } my $self = new($class); $self->initialize; $text =~ s/[;\s]+$//; if ($text =~ s/(^|; +)ORFNames=(.*?)(?=; |;\Z|\Z)//) { $self->ORFNames->set(map {SWISS::GN->fromText($_)} split ', +(?!ECO:\d)', $2); } if ($text =~ s/(^|; +)OrderedLocusNames=(.*?)(?=; |;\Z|\Z)//) { $self->OLN->set(map {SWISS::GN->fromText($_)} split ', +(?!ECO:\d)', $2); } my @names; if ($text =~ s/(^|; +)Synonyms=(.*?)(?=; |;\Z|\Z)//) { push @names, split ', +(?!ECO:\d)', $2; } if ($text =~ s/(^|; +)Name=(.*?)(?=; |;\Z|\Z)//) { unshift @names, split ', +(?!ECO:\d)', $2; #ensure space because valid names may contain a comma } if (length $text) { if ($main::opt_warn) { carp "GN parse error, left text $text"; } push @names, $text; } $self->Names->set(map {SWISS::GN->fromText($_)} @names); return $self; } sub _fromText_old { my $self = new(CORE::shift); my $text = CORE::shift; if( $text =~ /^\(/ && $text =~ /\)$/ ){ $text =~ s/^\(//; $text =~ s/\)$//; } $self->Names->set(map{SWISS::GN->fromText($_)}split / OR /i, $text); $self->is_old_format(1); return $self; } sub toText { my $self = CORE::shift; if ($self->is_old_format) { return _toText_old($self, @_); } my @newText; if ($self->Names->size) { push @newText, "Name=" . $self->Names->head->toText . ";"; if ($self->Names->size > 1) { push @newText, "Synonyms=" . join(", ", map {$_->toText} $self->Names->tail) . ";"; } } if ($self->OLN->size) { push @newText, "OrderedLocusNames=" . join(", ", map {$_->toText} $self->OLN->elements) . ";"; } if ($self->ORFNames->size) { push @newText, "ORFNames=" . join(", ", map {$_->toText} $self->ORFNames->elements) . ";"; } return join " ", @newText; } sub _toText_old { my $self = CORE::shift; my $delimiter = CORE::shift || ' OR '; my $a=join $delimiter, map{$_->toText} @{$self->list}; #FIXME return $a; } sub sort { my $self = CORE::shift; my @name1 = $self->Names->splice(0, 1); $self->ORFNames->set( sort { lc($a->text) cmp lc($b->text) || $a->text cmp $b->text } $self->ORFNames->elements ); return $self->Names->set(@name1, sort {lc($a->text) cmp lc($b->text) || $a->text cmp $b->text} $self->Names->elements); } # access Name and Synonyms sub Name { my $self = CORE::shift; if (@_) { my $newName = CORE::shift; return $self->Names->splice(0, 1, $newName); } else { return $self->Names->head; } } sub Synonyms { my $self = CORE::shift; if (@_) { if ($self->Names->size > 1) { return $self->Names->splice(1, $self->Names->size-1, @_); } else { return $self->Names->set(@_); } } else { return $self->Names->tail; } } # ListBase emulation sub list { my $self = CORE::shift; return [$self->elements]; } sub get { my $self = CORE::shift; my $pattern = CORE::shift; return grep {$_->text =~ /^$pattern$/} $self->elements; } sub head { my $self = CORE::shift; return $self->list->[0]; } sub tail { my $self = CORE::shift; my @el = $self->elements; CORE::shift @el if @el>0; return @el; } sub size { my $self = CORE::shift; return $self->Names->size + $self->OLN->size + $self->ORFNames->size; } sub isEmpty { my $self = CORE::shift; return not $self->size; } sub elements { my $self = CORE::shift; return $self->Names->elements, $self->OLN->elements, $self->ORFNames->elements; } sub item { my $self = CORE::shift; my $n = CORE::shift; return $self->list->[$n]; } sub push { my $self = CORE::shift; $self->Names->push(@_); } sub pop { my $self = CORE::shift; for my $listname (@GN_LISTS) { next unless $self->{$listname}->size; return $self->{$listname}->pop(@_); } return undef; } sub shift { my $self = CORE::shift; for my $listname (@GN_LISTS) { next unless $self->{$listname}->size; return $self->{$listname}->shift(@_); } return undef; } sub splice { my $self = CORE::shift; for my $listname (@GN_LISTS) { next unless $self->{$listname}->size; return $self->{$listname}->splice(@_); } return undef; } sub unshift { my $self = CORE::shift; $self->Names->unshift(@_); } sub set { my $self = CORE::shift; $self->initialize; $self->Names->set(@_); } sub add { my $self = CORE::shift; $self->Names->add(@_); } sub filter { my $self = CORE::shift; my $new = new ref($self); for my $listname (@GN_LISTS) { $new->{$listname} = $self->{$listname}->filter(@_); }; $new->{indentation} = $self->{indentation}; return $new; } 1; __END__ =head1 Name =head1 Description A B object contain all synonyms for a given gene name. See B for a description of the gene name format. =head1 Inherits from (also implements many methods from =head1 Attributes =over =item C Each list element is a SWISS::GN object, describing a primary name or synonym. Concatenation of Name and Synonyms lists. =item C Each list element is a SWISS::GN object, describing an OrderedLocusName. =item C Each list element is a SWISS::GN object, describing an ORFName. =back =head1 Methods =head2 Standard methods =over =item new =item fromText =item toText =back =head2 Specific methods =over =item Name Returns the Name (primary name). =item Synonyms Returns the Synonyms. =item elements Concatenates all elements from Names, OLN and ORFNames in a single array. =back =head2 List manipulation methods Since GeneGroup was a previous implementation of SWISS::ListBase, the list manipulation methods below are provided to facilitate compatibility. =over =item size =item isEmpty =item elements =item filter =item get I<(deprecated)> =item head I<(deprecated)> =item tail I<(deprecated)> =item item I<(deprecated)> =item push I<(deprecated)> =item pop I<(deprecated)> =item shift I<(deprecated)> =item splice I<(deprecated)> =item unshift I<(deprecated)> =item set I<(deprecated)> =item add I<(deprecated)> =back