package SWISS::TextFunc; use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD @ISA @EXPORT_OK @lineObjects @linePattern %linePattern $evidencePattern $evidencePatternOld $evidencePatternNew $evidencePatternAsSep $evidencePatternReversed $textWrapPattern1 $textWrapPattern2 $lineLength $lineLengthMax $lineLengthStar $lineLengthSQ ); use Exporter; use Carp; use strict; BEGIN{ @EXPORT_OK = qw(wrap); @ISA = ( 'Exporter' ); @lineObjects = ('IDs', 'ACs', 'DTs', 'DEs', 'GNs', 'OSs', 'OGs', 'OCs', 'OXs', 'OHs', 'Refs', 'CCs', 'DRs', 'PE', 'KWs', 'FTs', 'Stars', 'SQs'); @linePattern = ('^( ?ID .*\n)+(\*\* .*\n)*', '^( ?AC .*\n)+(\*\* .*\n)*', '^( ?DT .*\n){3}', '^( ?DE .*\n)+', '^( ?GN .*\n)+', '^( ?OS .*\n)+', '^( ?OG .*\n)+', '^( ?OC .*\n)+', '^( ?OX .*\n)+', '^( ?OH .*\n)+', # Complex expression for Reference blocks '^( ?R. .*\n)+(( ?R. .*\n)|( ?\*\* .*\n))*( ?R. .*\n)+', '^( ?CC .*\n)+', # The block of DR lines may contain ** lines, except at the beginning, e.g. # ** PRINTS; PR01217; PRICHEXTENSN; FALSE_POS_1. '^( ?DR .*\n)+( ?DR .*\n| ?\*\* \w+;.+\n)*', '^( ?PE .*\n)+', '^( ?KW .*\n)+', '^( ?FT .*\n)+', # Take a complex extended expression to take the # LAST ** line group as the annotator's section # NB: the 'Stars' comment is used to identify the hash key as 'St' in '^(?#Stars)((\*\*\s*\n)|(\*\* \#.*\n))+(\*\*.*\n)*(?=((SQ .*\n)( .*\n)+)?(\/\/\n))', # The sequence contains two line types and is at the end. '^(SQ .*\n)( .*\n)+(?=\/\/\n)' ); my ($line, $lineId); foreach $line (@linePattern) { ($lineId) = $line =~ /(\w\S)/; $linePattern{$lineId} = $line; } # The general pattern for evidence tags, .Sets $1 to the evidence tag $evidencePattern = ' ?\{((?:ECO:\d+[^,}]+(?:, )?)+|(?:E[ACIP]\d+,?)+)\}'; $evidencePatternOld = '\{((?:E[ACIP]\d+\,?)+)\}'; $evidencePatternNew = ' \{((?:ECO:\d+[^,}]+(?:, )?)+)\}'; $evidencePatternAsSep = '(?:\. | )?\{((?:ECO:\d+[^,}]+(?:, )?)+)\}(?:\. )?'; # and its reversed form for the parsing of the DE lines TODO: check DE parsing! $evidencePatternReversed = '\}(\,?\d+[ACIP]E)*\{'; # General pattern and last-resort pattern for wrapping text fields: # Wrap either at a whitespace that is not following a dash; or at a dash # that is followed either by a letter/digit or an opening round or square # bracket (so as not to cut at "->" or "--" or "-," etc) but not preceded by a # space (because such dash might indicate a suffix). $textWrapPattern1 = '(?\- ])'; $lineLength = 80; $lineLengthMax = 255; $lineLengthStar = 32766; $lineLengthSQ = 60; } sub listFromText { my $class = shift; my $text = shift; my $sep = shift; my $end = shift || $sep; chomp $text; # remove \n from end of text $text =~ s/^$sep//; # remove separator at the beginning of the text $text =~ s/$end$//; # remove separator at the end of the text return split /$sep/, $text; } sub textFromList { my $class = shift; my $list = shift; my $sep = shift; my $end = shift; my $width = shift; my $text = (join $sep, @{$list}) . $end; # produce one funck off long string # work out how many characters can be per line $width -= length $sep; while($text =~ m/(.{1,$width}(($sep)|($)))/g) { push @_, $1; } return @_; } sub wrapText { my $class = shift; my $text = shift; my $width = shift; $text = '' unless $text; while($text =~ m/(.{1,$width})(\s+|$)/g) { push @_, $1; } return @_; } sub wrapOn { my ($class, $prefix1, $prefix2, $columns, $text, @separators) = @_; my ($newText, $prefix, $width, $trailingBlanks); my ($lineText, $sepText, $match, $postMatch); $newText = ''; # prefix1: first line "prefix", prefix2: other lines "prefix", columns: max size, text: text to add and wrap after prefix 1 push @separators, $textWrapPattern1, $textWrapPattern2, ''; # add default sep. to provided separators n.b. @separators might be empty: as a last resort, wrap anywhere # eventually use multiple separators (for some FT lines); triggered when provided separators first elem is array ref!... my ($separator1, $border, $separator2, $longWordChar); if (ref $separators[0] eq "ARRAY") { ($separator1, $border, $separator2, $longWordChar) = @{$separators[0]}; $separators[0] = $separator1; } $prefix=$prefix1; TEXT:while ($text) { # switch between using separator1 or separator2 depending on border (for some FT lines) $width = $columns - length ($prefix); if (defined($separator1) and $separators[0] eq $separator1) { #fugly! happen when $separators[0] eq "ARRAY"; "means": border is (/should have been!) set # if border is found in line to wrap (up to width) or in already wrapped lines # use separator2 instead of separator1! # e.g. # FT VARIANT 222 222 L -> P (in CLN1; late infantile blablabla) # separator1 = '(?!\>)\s*', separator2 = "/|$SWISS::TextFunc::textWrapPattern1" border = '[{(]' # so here separator2 will be used has there is a "()" = textFunc::textWrapPattern1 = will wrap on ws before bla... # wheras with e,g. # FT CONFLICT 245 303 LKNNTITTHPKFQTITPINNSIIFFNSRCRHEVMSVVCPSRPPAAAESPSMH -> GLPKGSVPPAAAESPSMHRKQELDSSQAPQQPGKPPDPGRPTQPGLSKSR # separator1 will be use = (?!\>)\s*: wrap anywhere (at max witdh) if not after a > or on first space(s) = will wrap inside first "seq" if (($newText =~ /$border/) || (substr($text, 0, $width) =~ /$border/) ) { $separators[0] = $separator2; } }; for (my $i=0; $i<@separators; $i++) { $width = $columns - length ($prefix); # initialize each time if (length($text) <= $width) { # no wrapping needed $newText = $newText . $prefix . $text . "\n"; $text = ''; next TEXT; } else { # needs wrapping while (($lineText, $sepText) = $text =~ /\A(.{1,$width})($separators[$i]|\Z)/) { $match = $&; $postMatch = $'; my $spaces = $match =~ s/(\s+)\Z// ? $1 : ""; if (length($match) > $width) { # The separator extends # beyond the maximal line length. Retry with shorter $width. $width--; } else { if (defined $longWordChar) { # if a long word is found, cut it anywhere and append as much of it as possible to the uppermost line... if ($postMatch =~ /^$longWordChar {$width}/x) { my $cutPos = $width - length($match) - length($spaces); # ... however, try to cut the long word at any separators of lower priority than the current one, # except the empty last-resort separator for (my $j=$i+1; $j<@separators-1; $j++) { # TODO: this is currently only optimal for fixed separators # of length 1 ($sepLength = 1) my $sepLength = 1; my $w0 = $cutPos - $sepLength; my $w1 = $w0 > 0 ? $w0 : 0; if ($postMatch =~ /^(\S{0,$w1}$separators[$j])/) { $cutPos = length($1); last; } } # ok, now do the splicing if ($cutPos>0) { my $substr = substr($postMatch, 0, $cutPos); substr($postMatch, 0, $cutPos) = ""; $match .= $spaces . $substr; } } } $newText = $newText . $prefix . $match . "\n"; $text = $postMatch; $prefix=$prefix2; next TEXT; } } } }; # Wrapping failed if ($main::opt_warn) { carp "TextFunc::wrapOn: Cannot wrap $text"; }; $newText = $text . "\n"; $text = ''; } $newText =~ s/ +$//mg; return $newText; } sub cleanLine { my $class = shift; my $text = shift; # Drop trailing spaces $text =~ s/\s+$//; chomp($text); if(length($text) != 2) { $text = substr $text, 5; } else { $text = undef; } return $text; } sub joinWith { my $self = shift; my($text, $with, $noAddAfter, $addBefore, @list) = @_; unless ($text) { $text = shift @list; }; for my $line (@list) { unless ($text =~ /$noAddAfter$/ && $line !~ /^$addBefore/) { $text .= $with }; $text .= $line; } return $text; } sub insertLineGroup { my $class = shift; my $textRef = shift; my $text = shift; my $pattern = shift; my $found = -1; my $i; # The easy case: Replace a text block with a new one. if ($$textRef =~ /$pattern/m) { $$textRef = $` . $text . $'; return 1; } # Nothing to replace found. Seek insertion place. for ($i = $#linePattern; $i>=0; $i--) { if ($pattern eq $linePattern[$i]) { $found = $i; last; } } if ($found == -1) { $main::opt_warn && carp "Could not insert $text into $$textRef"; return 0; } for ($i = $found; $i>=0; $i--) { if ($$textRef =~ /$linePattern[$i]/m) { $$textRef = $` . $& . $text . $'; return 1; } } if (defined $main::opt_warn) { $main::opt_warn >2 && carp "Prepended $text to $$textRef"; } $$textRef = $text . $$textRef; return 0; } sub uniqueList { my $class = shift; my @oldList = @_; my @newList; my $element; foreach $element(@oldList) { unless (grep{$_ eq $element} @newList) { push @newList, $element; } }; return @newList; } sub currentSpDate { my ($dummy, $mday, $month, $year); my %month2number = ('1'=>'JAN', '2'=>'FEB', '3'=>'MAR', '4'=>'APR', '5'=>'MAY', '6'=>'JUN', '7'=>'JUL', '8'=>'AUG', '9'=>'SEP', '10'=>'OCT', '11'=>'NOV', '12'=>'DEC'); ($dummy, $dummy, $dummy, $mday, $month, $year, $dummy, $dummy, $dummy) = localtime (time); if ($mday < 10) { $mday = '0' . $mday; } $month = $month2number{$month+1}; $year += 1900; return "$mday-$month-$year"; } # # Functions used to cleanup entries in annotators' jobs # Author : Alexandre Gattiker # #removes wild ** comments throughout an entry, except after a DR line #they can be reinserted again, based on the line that follows them. #returns an pointer to a hash of "following lines" => "wild comment" sub removeInternalComments { my $textRef = shift; my $newText = ""; my %lines; my $afterACID = 0; my $inEnd = 0; my $inRef = 0; my $inDR = 0; my @comments; #remove everything before the ID line if ($$textRef =~ s/(.*?)^ID/ID/sm) { $lines{_start} = $1; } for (split /\n/, $$textRef) { $_ .= "\n"; if ($inEnd || /SOURCE SECTION|INTERNAL SECTION|ANNOTATOR'S SECTION/) { #comments right before source section should go just inside $inEnd++; my (@textComments, @otherComments); for my $comment (@comments) { if ($comment =~ /\w/) { push @textComments, $comment; } else { push @otherComments, $comment; } } $newText .= join '', @otherComments, $_, @textComments; undef @comments; next; } if (/^AC|^ID/) { $afterACID=1; if (@comments) { $lines{$_}=[@comments]; splice @comments; } $newText .= $_; next; } #annotators' comment lines begin either with ** or ++ elsif (/^ ?\*\*|^ ?\+\+/ && !$afterACID and (!$inRef or !/NO TITLE|=None/) and !($inDR and /^\*\* \S+; \S+; \S+; /) ) { push @comments, $_; } else { $afterACID=0; if (@comments and /(\S.*)/) { $lines{$1}=[@comments]; splice @comments; } $newText .= $_; next; } } continue { $inRef = /^R/; $inDR = /^DR/ || ($inDR && /^\*/); }; $$textRef=$newText; return \%lines; } #does the opposite... #returns an array with the internal comments that could not be restored at their proper position. #the caller should do something like $entry->Stars->ZZ->add them. sub restoreInternalComments { my($textRef, $lines)=@_; #comments going before ID line my $before = delete $lines->{_start}; #other comments : add before the relevant line my @newText; for my $line (split /(?<=\n)/, $$textRef) { if ($line =~ /(\S.*)/ and my ($comments) = delete $$lines{$1}) { push @newText, _wrapInternalComments(@$comments); } push @newText, $line; } #remaining comments : try to add before the relevant block my @newText2; for my $line (@newText) { if ($line =~ /^\s*(\w\w)/) { my $lineTag = $1; for my $prevline (keys %$lines) { if ($prevline =~ /^\s*($lineTag)/) { my $comments = delete $$lines{$prevline}; push @newText2, _wrapInternalComments(@$comments); } } } push @newText2, $line; } $$textRef=$before . join "", @newText2; #return comments that could not be inserted return map{s/^\s*\*\*\s*//; s/\n$//; $_} map {@$_} values %$lines; } #wrap internal comments at 75 characters sub _wrapInternalComments { foreach (@_) { my ($prefix) = s/^(\W+)// ? $1 : ""; s/\s+$//; $_ = wrapOn (undef, $prefix, $prefix, $SWISS::TextFunc::lineLength, $_, '\s+') } @_; } sub toMixedCase { my ($text, @regexps) = @_; my $ok_regexp; for my $regexp (@regexps) { #This regexp is made complex by the need to convert e.g. "B0690/B0691" to "b0690/b0691" $text =~ s!(?:^|\G)($regexp)($|\/)! my @char = split //, $1; my $postfix = substr $text, $-[-1], $+[-1] - $-[-1]; #this fetches the content of the '($|\/)' part of the regexp as the last matched subgroup (i.e. the possible slash), see man perlre for "@-" for an explanation if ($1 =~ /^($regexp)$/) { #if it matches the regexp case-sensitively, no need to convert $1 . $postfix; #return value } else { my $num_letter=0; my @letter_pos; for (my $i=0; $i<@char; $i++) { $letter_pos[$i] = (uc ($char[$i]) ne lc $char[$i]) ? 1 : 0; $num_letter += $letter_pos[$i]; } my $string_ok; for (my $binary=0; $binary<2**$num_letter; $binary++) { #combinatorially change casing of each letter my $string = ""; my $j=0; for (my $i=0; $i<@char; $i++) { if ($letter_pos[$i]) { my $mask = 1<<$j; my $bin_value = ($binary & $mask) >> $j; $string .= $bin_value ? uc($char[$i]) : lc($char[$i]); $j++; } else { $string .= $char[$i]; } } $string_ok = $string, last if $string =~ /^(?:$regexp)$/; #case-sensitive match } if (defined $string_ok) { $string_ok . $postfix; #return value } else { #this should never happen warn "INTERNAL ERROR: Could not find correct casing for ".join("",@char)." ($regexp)"; join("",@char) . $postfix; #return value } } !egi or next; $ok_regexp = $regexp; last; } return wantarray ? ($text, $ok_regexp) : $text; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME SWISS::TextFunc =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is designed to be a repository of functions that are repeatedly used during parsing and formatting of SWISS-PROT/TREMBL lines. If more than two line types need to do aproximately the same thing then it is probably in here. All functions expect to be called as package->function(param list) =over =item listFromText Takes a piece of text, a seperator regex and a seperator that may appear at the end. Returns an array of items that were seperated in the text by that seperator. Takes care of null items (looses them for you). =item textFromList Takes an array of items, a separator, a terminating string, and a line width. Returns an array of strings, each ending with the separator or the terminator with a width less than or equal to the width specified. Seems to do the wrong thing for references - not sure why. Don't use it for that. =item wrapText Takes a string and a length. Returns an array of strings which are shorter or equal in length to length, spliting the string on white space. =item wrapOn ($firstLinePrefix, $linePrefix, $colums, $text[, @separators]) Wraps $text into lines with at most $colums colums. Prepends the prefixes to the lines. @separators is a list of expressions on which to wrap. The expression itself is part of the upper line. If no @separators are provided, the $text is wrapped at whitespace except in EC/TC numbers or at dashes that separate words. First tries to wrap on the first item of @separators, then the next etc. If no wrap on any element of @separators or whitespaces is possible, wraps into lines of exactly length $colums. A special case is that the first item of @separators may be a reference to an array. This is used internally for wrapping FT VARIANT-like lines. Example: wrapOn('DE ', 'DE ', 40, '14-3-3 PROTEIN BETA/ALPHA (PROTEIN KINASE C INHIBITOR PROTEIN-1)', '\s+') returns ['14-3-3 PROTEIN BETA/ALPHA (PROTEIN ', 'KINASE C INHIBITOR PROTEIN-1)'] wrapOn('DE ', 'DE ', 40, '14-3-3 PROTEIN BETA/ALPHA (PROTEIN KINASE C INHIBITOR PROTEIN-1)', ' (?=\()', '\s+') returns ['14-3-3 PROTEIN BETA/ALPHA ', '(PROTEIN KINASE C INHIBITOR PROTEIN-1)'] =item cleanLine Remove the leading line Identifier and three blanks and trailing spaces from an SP line. =item joinWith ($text, $with, $noAddAfter, @list) Concatenates $text and @list into one string. Adds $with between the original elements, unless the postfix of the current string is $noAddAfter. This is used to avoid inserting blanks after hyphens during concatenation. So unpleasant strings like 'CALMODULIN- DEPENDENT' are avoided. Unfortunately a correct reassembly of strings like 'CARBON-DIOXIDE' is not done. =item insertLineGroup ($textRef, $text, $pattern) Inserts text block $text into the text referred to by $textRef. $text will replace the text block in $textRef matched by $pattern. =item uniqueList (@list) Returns a list in which all duplicates from @list have been removed. =item currentSpDate returns the current date in SWISS-PROT format =item toMixedCase($text, @regexps) Convert a text to mixed case, according to one or more regular expressions. In scalar context, returns the new text; in array context, also returns the regexp with which the change was performed, or undef on failure. See corresponding item in SWISS::GN for more details. =back